Selwyn Residential Developments: Considerations For Custom New Build Homes

Residential Developments

The wider Christchurch area is currently one of New Zealand’s fastest-growing regions. A key part of this growth is the expansion of residential areas in the Selwyn district, particularly around town centres such as Rolleston, Lincoln and Prebbleton.

These smaller centres have developed substantially in recent years, and much of this can be put down to improved transport connections and also the demand for good ground conditions following the Christchurch earthquakes. 

Most new housing in Selwyn is in larger subdivisions on the outskirts of existing town centres. Compared to Christchurch City Council, Selwyn District Council has been faster in adopting the new Medium Density Residential Zoning rules that are intended to improve housing affordability by allowing more efficient use of residential land.

With increasing opportunities for residential development, popular locations for dining and shopping and plenty of education opportunities, there’s no denying that these satellite towns now present an appealing alternative to living in the city.

Maybe you’re relocating to Christchurch to escape the high house prices and cost of living in other New Zealand cities. Or perhaps you’re currently living in Christchurch and eyeing up opportunities for a new build and a change of lifestyle. Whatever your reason, this blog post is intended as a useful summary of what to consider so you can understand how your new home in Selwyn can work for you.

What Are The Potential Pitfalls When Building A New Subdivision?

While most subdivision plots can look the same on paper, typically a squarish rectangle of around 400-500m², their orientation makes a huge difference. When choosing a site, think about where you would position the house, and then how this affects how you would use the rest of the land. 

Ideally, you should choose a Selwyn site that allows you to create a private and sheltered outdoor living area in the sunniest part of the site, opening off living spaces. But, have a look around most subdivisions, and you’ll see that many houses have garages and driveways occupying the best part of the site, with living rooms and outdoor living spaces seemingly an afterthought.

This must be hugely disappointing to homeowners when they move in. This scenario can be avoided if it is thought about early on, but it is costly and often impractical to fix after the house is built.

So, what is the answer? You’ll never regret opting for a custom-designed house that is not only tailored to suit your lifestyle but also responds to the specific conditions of your site. The chances of finding a cookie-cutter home that perfectly meets your needs and also works with the unique conditions of your site are remote. 

If you have several sites to choose from, it is a good idea to seek professional advice about which one is best for you. While an experienced Christchurch architect will be able to design a great home for any property, having the right site can make this easier to achieve or can make the finished product even better. When you think about how much you are investing in your new home, it makes sense to seek advice before you take the first step.

Once you have a site, don’t rush out to pick an off-the-shelf plan. The best next step is to take some time to write a brief for your new home. This is a list of your requirements for your new home so you can work out exactly what you need or want and what features are most important to you. Download our ‘Guide To Writing A Brief’ so you can start thinking about this.

Once you have these important first steps covered, it is time to get into the design and documentation work. First, a concept design, which can be used to obtain a cost estimate from a builder or quantity surveyor to check that the project is on budget. Then, the detailed design and documentation, which will be used for building consent and construction. We can also assist you in obtaining prices from several builders so you know that you’re getting a competitive rate.

What Particular Issues Should You Be Thinking About When Building A Home In Selwyn?

Many properties will be particularly exposed to intense sunlight, especially in new subdivisions where there isn’t any shading from hills or established tree canopies.

Your home should respond to this by creating some covered outdoor spaces with deep shade. You should also plant deciduous trees that will grow to provide further shade and shelter in summer to control overheating, but let sun into the house over the winter months.

Many residential areas in Selwyn are close to rural land, open roads, motorways and even airport flight paths. Do your homework on this, as it is possible to incorporate features in your build that will reduce the impact of such noise. It is much easier to get this right when your house is being built than to try and fix noise issues later on.

You may be surprised to know that many areas in Selwyn would be affected by flooding in a 200-year flood event. It’s worth looking into this before you buy a section, as some properties may require a slightly higher floor level than normal to keep clear of flood water.

Most subdivisions will have covenants, which are a set of rules that outline what development is permitted on your site. This may include restrictions on different materials, landscaping, fencing and even minimum floor areas. Familiarise yourself with these before purchasing a site to make sure you will be able to build the type of home you have in mind.

How Can Your Home Be Designed To Suit The Selwyn Climate?

Being close to rural areas and away from the coast, many parts of Selwyn can be exposed to heavy frosts in winter, and scorching temperatures in summer. In-slab heating can be a great way of maintaining a constant comfortable temperature, and if powered by a heat pump it can also provide cooling over summer. It goes without saying that high levels of insulation are important to minimise heat loss around the edge of the floor.

If you are planning a pool to provide relief from summer heat, consider the pool fencing requirements. In most cases, a pool enclosure needs to be separate from other outdoor living activities, and there are restrictions on direct access from the house. This requires careful planning of the landscaping layout, particularly on smaller sites.

Of course, too much sun isn’t always a bad thing. Installing solar panels to harvest electricity is a great idea to incorporate in a new build, whether you’re storing it in a battery for use in the evenings, or feeding it back to the grid. Selwyn enjoys many blue sky days in winter, which means that solar systems can be beneficial year-round. On lifestyle blocks, having a battery can be a great backup for power cuts.

Reach Out Today To Discuss Your Selwyn New Build Project

You can get in touch with us at Chaplin Crooks Architects by calling us on 03 384 9602 or by using our contact page. Our professional architects can discuss your site, your goals and your personal preferences with you to develop a gorgeous custom new build home for you in Selwyn.

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